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Commercial-Grade Dedication Testing

We verify material properties, such as chemical composition, physical dimensions, mechanical strength, bond strength, metallurgical properties, and electrical insulation properties of off-the-shelf components such as bearings, tapes, resins, gaskets, cables, greases, aramid paper, adhesives, electrical laminations, coatings and solder.

This ensures that the critical characteristics and original design criteria required for use in repair and replacement of equipment in safety-related applications are met.

With our wide range of analytical capabilities, including chemical, thermal, mechanical, metallographic, metallurgical and electrical property testing, we take an integrated approach to supporting commercial-grade dedication. To learn more about our testing techniques, click here.

Detrimental Material Analysis

Lucideon has decades of experience of performing detrimental material analysis to ensure compliance with safety standards, including MIL-STD-2041E(SH). This includes analysis of halogens (total and leachable), sulfur, phosphorus, low melting point metals and mercury.

Quality Assurance

We have a comprehensive quality assurance program, which is in compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix B, ISO 17025 and Nadcap (aerospace and defense industries). These rigorous quality assurance requirements are applied to every job we perform. We also maintain GE Aviation S-400 accreditations for some tests and processes.

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