• Contact us
  • US 919-504-4900
  • UK +44 (0)1782 764428

  • With expertise across a wide range of materials, from metals and ceramics to polymers and composites, we provide solutions to your toughest challenges.
  • We partner with you at all stages of your product lifecycle: from concept and feasibility through to prototyping, pilot scale-up and process implementation.
  • Disruptive technologies to develop the products and processes of the future.
  • Comprehensive materials and components testing and characterization to ASTM and OEM specifications.
  • Quality assurance requirements mandated by ISO 17025, Nadcap (aerospace and defense industry) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix B (nuclear utility industry) are applied to each and every job we perform.
  • From facilities in the US, the UK and the Far East, we work with clients around the world.

We've been providing support to the power generation and associated industries for nearly 100 years! We pride ourselves on the relationships we build with clients, our innovative and consultative approach and the accuracy and speed of our testing services. Contact me today to find out how we can help you.

Mary Beth Sprott, Internal Sales Leader - US