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SOFC Materials Development

Our materials and process experts can help you to develop and optimize Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs), by looking at your materials, components and processes, and any degradation that occurs.

Our understanding of material interface interactions and chemistries, and the importance of cost reduction initiatives, can help you to launch new products expediently.

Expertise in Glass Seals

Not all glasses are the same!  We can characterize the chemical and material properties of your glass to help determine the most suitable material for your application.  Using thermal characterization techniques, such as Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), we can provide a fundamental understanding of how your glasses behave to help you improve your products.  And we can characterize material interactions, observe glass integrity before and after various exertion tests (i.e. thermal cycling, higher dP through the stack, long term endurance testing) for porosity, crystallization and material segregation over time.

Ceramics - Flash Sintering Technology

Our Flash Sintering technology can be used for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) applications.

With interconnect components, Flash Sintering can be used to produce a dense ceramic layer at a lower sintering temperature, so that the metal substrate remains stable.

A change in the properties of the fabricated material can also be achieved by Flash Sintering, thanks to the manipulation of the sintering mechanism and control over the sintering rate.  An example of the properties that can be engineered includes grain size, which affects the density and microstructure of the material.

Read more about Flash Sintering here.

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