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Process & Repair Qualifications

Leverage Lucideon's network of material, process and industry expertise to help you select, scale-up and optimize your nuclear processes. Embed us in your design process to expedite new product launch, or contact us to improve quality, replace regulated materials, validate cleaning processes and reduce the cost of operations. Our network collaborates to deliver novel techniques and to transfer successful technologies and improvements across industry lines.

When optimizing existing processes, the first step is to gain a fundamental understanding of what is happening, or not happening, under the existing process conditions. How repeatable are these results? We perform characterization of materials to understand what is going on at the micro level and site visits for first-hand observation of your processing conditions.

Examples include:

  • Post processing of additive manufactured components
  • Bonding of complex insulation systems
  • Optimizing coating application
  • Developmental alloy processing parameters.

We'll provide you with a comprehensive report, including recommended actions together with imaging, test results and interpretation, to benchmark the current performance of your processing lines. We will then work with you, in an iterative investigation process, to optimize your manufacturing.

These same principles are applied to qualifying both new repair procedures and operators to perform them.

We are currently working with many clients to improve their Additive Manufacturing (AM) programs, shortening their product development cycle and expediting qualification, thereby reducing risk and improving process yields.

On Demand Webinars

  • Hydrogen - Diffusion, Permeability, Hydride Formation and Metallic Embrittlement - Part 2

    The growing use of hydrogen in the energy industry sets in motion a myriad of metallurgical issues and problems. The metallurgical community has long been dealing with problems associated with hydrogen interaction with metals; from containment in its liquid state at cryogenic temperatures to its burning as a fuel at high temperatures and everything in between. This is part two of a two-part webinar series that addresses some of the more complex metallurgical issues related to hydrogen..

    See the recording

  • Hydrogen - Diffusion, Permeability, Hydride Formation and Metallic Embrittlement - Part 1

    The growing use of hydrogen in the energy industry sets in motion a myriad of metallurgical issues and problems. The metallurgical community has long been dealing with problems associated with hydrogen interaction with metals; from containment in its liquid state at cryogenic temperatures to its burning as a fuel at high temperatures and everything in between. This is part one of a two-part webinar series that addresses some of the more complex metallurgical issues related to hydrogen.

    See the recording

  • Cleaning Issues with Additive Manufactured Devices

    While this general topic has been covered in various webinars in the past, here we isolate several key aspects of the problem. The unique porous coated surfaces of new additively manufactured (AM) medical implants have proven to be quite complex and are creating challenges with respect to effective cleaning.

    See the recording

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  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
    pdf (1.30 MB)