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Glass / Waste Analysis

Understanding your materials helps you to understand your processes and how these can be optimized. Our team of experts provides a wide range of services including:

Material Validation and Certification

QA / QC for highly specified materials in the nuclear industry, for users and suppliers, including chemical, physical, metallurgical, surface and structural analysis, on a wide range of materials including:

  • Glass frit for waste encapsulation
  • Cementitious materials for encapsulation
  • Simulated waste and leachates
  • Large-scale load bearing materials.

Material Performance and Characterization

Physical properties of materials, including synthetic encapsulated waste. To determine thermal and mechanical properties of materials to enable a better understanding of material performance. A wide range of capabilities with applications including:

  • Modulus of elasticity, pre and post neutron exposure
  • Impact, tensile and crushing strength
  • Thermal conductivity and encapsulation.

Evaluation to Support Waste Encapsulation Trials

Robust data to support the studies on the structure and stability of waste encapsulation. Types of data include:

  • Bulk chemistry, including trace metals, rare earth elements, and platinoids
  • Encapsulated mineralogy – quantification of phases, cell parameters and leachate studies
  • Microstructural information including; morphology, grain size, chemistry and elemental distributions
  • Production-scale demonstrations.

Waste Stream Separation and Encapsulation Validation

An understanding of the processes in separating and encapsulating a range of waste streams. Services include:

  • Developing specific separation and encapsulation technologies
  • Plant and process design from concept to operation
  • Mass balance of components on separation
  • Comprehensive range of analytical capabilities and breadth of skills to maximize the data recovery.

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  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
    pdf (1.30 MB)