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The market for batteries has grown exponentially, but current state-of-the-art batteries are still far from perfect. The race is on to find the next technology to replace lithium batteries or to use other smart materials to improve them.


At Lucideon we understand that fundamentally a battery can only work as hard as the materials within it, that’s why our experts help at every stage of development. From cell level materials development to optimization we give you the insight to make existing technology perform better, last longer and become safer.

Our Flash Sintering capabilities are the first of their kind in the word. Innovative and purpose-built pilot plant can not only assist in optimizing every last step in the process to increase your return on investment, it can also revolutionize the way solid electrolytes are manufactured - helping achieve high energy densities and speed up re-charging processes. By applying an electric field we can reduce sintering temperatures, and therefore cost, to put you at the forefront of the industry.

Whatever your issue in getting the most out of your battery, our materials expertise, advanced analytical capabilities and industrial know-how can help. So why not talk to one of our consultants and see how we can revolutionize the way people power their lives?

Raw Materials Assessment
Quick assessment of your choice of raw materials to give you a competitive edge. We can assess anodic, cathodic, polymer membrane and electrolytes for their suitability in your battery.

Materials Development
Our product development insight allows you to adjust the critical parameters required to both generate high power densities and mitigate degradation kinetics quickly, shortening development time to create a superior product.

Powder Composition & Morphology
Identification of the critical stoichiometry, morphology and an understanding of the impurities in various powders increases your confidence in the materials provided by various suppliers, and the processes used.

Metallographic Cross-Section Examinations
Our extensive knowledge of materials, expertise in metallographic preparation of ceramics, glasses and metals, and high-quality imaging and analysis techniques provide a fundamental understanding of material behavior.

Electrolyte Composition
The electrolyte is vital for carrying ions between the electrodes. Battery efficiency relies upon a fine balance of concentration and composition; if it isn’t correct, performance is significantly compromised. Our capabilities in Karl Fisher and ICP ensures your electrolyte is contaminant-free and working as it should be.

Surface Analysis & Imaging
Whether it be an experimental material or a tried and tested one, imaging techniques give you confidence in its phase and morphology. We provide quantitative and qualitative data, as well as interpretation and analysis.

Process Optimization
Optimizing your process can cut costs and improve yields. We provide consultancy at each stage of the process, be it mixing, calendering, Rheometry, milling, granulation, Sol-gel, calcination and drying.

Ceramics Processing Improvements & Sintering Studies
We help to improve your competitive advantage and profitability by developing customized materials, sintering techniques and sintering profiles. We also characterize the resulting structures and material properties, and perform feasibility and pilot-scale trials.

Degradation Assessment
We provide fundamental understanding of the condition of fuel cells after testing, identifying the critical parameters required to generate high power densities and the mitigation of degradation kinetics.

Contaminant Identification
Employing a wide variety of analytical techniques, and extensive knowledge of materials, our experts can identify contaminants and their source.

Glass Seal Evaluations
Characterizing crystallization temperatures, composition and glass-to-metal interfaces is vital to the development of the battery stack. Thermal and chemical testing of the glass material and microstructural evaluations are an integral part of fuel cell development.

Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy
This characterization method can be used to study the electrodes, separator or the electrolyte. State of charge is determined from this which is vital for accredited battery tests and gaining approval for your new product.

Our Flash Sintering technology is used to reduce sintering time/temperature and to develop materials with novel properties. We have the UK's only Flash Sintering pilot plant and have already demonstrated feasibility of making solid electrolytes.