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Electrical & Insulation Systems Testing

We perform failure analysis of electrical insulation systems, routinely identifying the composition of contaminants, checking for leak paths, assessing bonding conditions, and determining the root causes for premature insulation failures.

Quality Control Testing of Insulation Systems

The integrity of insulation systems must be verified to prevent loss of power generation and catastrophic equipment failure. Properties including insulation dissipation factor, breakdown voltage, physical and chemical analysis results provide the confidence required to install items such as stator bars in the field.

Electrical Testing & Analysis of Insulating Materials

Lucideon has expertise in conducting a range of electrical tests to evaluate the characteristics of plastics, composites (i.e. NEMA LI), tapes, coatings, ceramics and various insulating materials. Test programs range from standard ASTM test methods to custom designed research programs. Most tests can be conducted in a temperature-controlled environment ranging from ambient to 300°C. We offer high-voltage capacity up to 150 kV. Testing includes:

  • Capacitance
  • Dielectric Breakdown
  • Dielectric Constant
  • Dissipation Factor
  • Dielectric Strength (air or oil)
  • Inductance
  • Surface and Volume Resistivity
  • Megger Testing (up to 100 Tera Ohm range).

Test Methods

We perform ASTM 150, ASTM D229, ASTM D257, NEMA LI-1 and customer-specific quality control and qualification testing.