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Ceramics & Ceramic Matrix Composites

Ceramic materials, coatings, composites (CMCs) and metal hybrids are being developed and tested to allow for higher nuclear reactor operating temperatures to increase power generation capacity, extend the service life and improve the accident tolerance of existing nuclear plants.

Utilize Lucideon's ceramics expertise to select and specify raw materials, optimize green strength and sintering processes, tailor material properties and perform failure analysis on ceramic and composite materials.

Leverage our comprehensive analytical facilities, pilot and manufacturing scale capabilities, and our advanced ceramics expertise to develop disruptive technologies and products for the nuclear industry to advance safety and performance.

Examples of how you can utilize Lucideon's ceramics expertise include:

  • Developing safer fuel cladding and containment for transport
  • Optimizing surface features and creep resistance of reactor components

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  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
    pdf (1.30 MB)