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Component Testing

Lucideon provides independent, third-party test data to support commercial-grade dedication, OEM product development, qualify suppliers, companies that want to expand their product offerings to OEMs, and technology disruptors who want to develop new technologies for the nuclear industry.

We offer a wide variety of analytical techniques performed by materials analysts with decades of experience evaluating nuclear materials, components and systems.

Specification testing capabilities include chemical, thermal, mechanical, metallurgical, electrical and microstructural analysis to qualify components consisting of a wide variety of materials.

Examples include:

  • Bearings and Babbitt
  • Tapes
  • Gaskets
  • Welded materials
  • Sealants
  • Insulated cables and wires.

We also provide testing to customer-specific, OEM, MIL-Spec and regulatory requirements.

All testing is performed in compliance with rigorous quality assurance requirements mandated by ISO 17025, 10 CFR 50 Appendix B (nuclear utility industry), and Nadcap (aerospace and defense industry), regardless of whether it requires conformance to any of these accreditations. We also maintain a GE Transportation and Aviation Special Process Certification to perform many S-400 test codes.

ยป Find out more about our accreditations here.

If, for any reason, a component does not meet specification requirements, we can provide insight and advice on raw material selection, manufacturing, joining and processing techniques and parameters to ensure reliable compliance, and an increase in quality.

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  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
    pdf (1.30 MB)