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Quality Assurance Program in the US

The rigorous quality assurance requirements mandated by ISO 17025, Nadcap (aerospace and defense industry) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix B (nuclear utility industry) are applied to each and every job we perform, regardless of whether it requires conformance to any of these accreditations. We also maintain a GE Transportation and Aviation Special Process Certification to perform many S-400 test codes.

How does our Quality Assurance Program help you? It assures you that every job you submit to us will be performed to exacting standards for accuracy, reliability, and traceability.

At Lucideon, we live and breathe quality. We consistently apply proven technologies to deliver the highest level of excellence to you.

ISO 17025 Accredited by Laboratory Accreditation Board | Nadcap Accredited Mark | L-A-B Accredited for ISO 17025

Accreditation certificates for Lucideon in the US are available below [PDF files].

ISO/IEC 17025

Nadcap AC7101 – Materials Testing Laboratories

GE Aviation – S-400 Special Process Certification

For Lucideon in the US, Test Methods, Standards and Specifications Include ASTM, IPC, IPC Thermal Tests, ISO, MIL-SPEC, NEMA L1-1, OEM-Specific & SAE Aerospace Material Specifications.


UKAS Accreditation in the UK

UKAS Logos

Lucideon is a UKAS accredited testing (0013) and calibration (0420) laboratory in the UK. Lucideon works closely with several laboratories overseas that are audited by Lucideon on an annual basis.

PDF Documents:

Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus Logo

In the UK, Lucideon is also Cyber Essentials Plus accredited.

Our Cyber Essentials Plus certificate can be viewed here