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You are here: Home » Materials Technologies » Flash Sintering » National Nuclear Laboratory Partnership

National Nuclear Laboratory Partnership

Lucideon has a partner agreement with the UK's National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) Advanced Fuels Cycle Programme (AFCP) as a research and development (R&D) partner. The AFCP is part of the UK Government's £180m Nuclear Innovation Programme, and is focused on the development of skills, knowledge and capabilities in the areas of advanced recycle and waste management and advanced nuclear fuels.

NNL is using our expertise in flash (field enhanced) sintering to significantly improve the production of advanced nuclear fuels, through new developments in the structure and performance of materials.

For the AFCP, we are collaborating with the University of Manchester, which is providing specialist resources to support the development.

» Take a look at our article, One Flash and It's Done.
Written for Nuclear Engineering International, the article discusses what flash sintering is, how it's applied to nuclear fuels, the AFCP, and the future of flash sintering in the nuclear and aerospace industries.

The videos below summarise the partnership with the NNL Programme and the University of Manchester.

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