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Assurance - Verification and Certification Services

We offer assurance services through Lucideon CICS Limited, a leading global provider of sustainability assurance and management systems certification.

Their greenhouse gas (carbon) verifiers are renowned for their expertise and for well-planned and executed verifications to comply with voluntary and mandatory standards across a wide range of industries. Services include:

Using their team of knowledgeable and experienced auditors, they have a history of providing impartial management system and product-specific certifications, including:

Lucideon also provides management systems training courses. Led by highly qualified trainers, our courses are interactive, yet informal. Our most popular courses are shown below or you can view the full list of courses here.

Our European Headquarters are in Stoke-on-Trent, UK, with USA Head office in Houston, Texas and regional offices in New York State and South Carolina.

For details of their verification and certification services accreditations, which include UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) and ANSI (American National Standards Institute), click here

» To find out more visit the Assurance website - www.lucideon.com/assurance.

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