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Materials Development

Play our video below to find out how we can help you to develop materials, new applications and technologies.

We know that your business relies on improving and developing products, materials and technologies.

Our aim is to help you stay ahead of the game, be first to market and gain a competitive advantage by helping you develop the next generation of products.

Our materials experts have a wide range of analytical techniques, state-of-the-art rational materials selection tools, prototyping and pilot-scale facilities and cross-industry experience at their disposal – meaning that they are the perfect extension to your R&D team.

If you're asking any of the questions below, then give us a call.  We'll be able to help.

  • How can we improve existing materials, products, processes and technologies?
  • Can we make them perform better – by selecting different materials and reformulating?
  • Can we add functionality to what they do?
  • Can we reduce the cost of them?
  • Can we pinpoint the root cause of failures and stop them from re-occurring?
  • Can we improve yields?
  • How can we develop the next generation of products and processes?

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  • Data Sheet

    Microbeads - the Facts and the Future
    pdf (118 KB)

  • White Paper

    Additive Manufacturing - A Metallurgical Perspective
    pdf (4.98 MB)

  • Summary Document

    Powder Control and Processing Support
    pdf (1.07 MB)

  • White Paper

    Surface Engineering Coating Technology and Characterization of the Surface Region
    pdf (657 KB)