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Metallurgical Evaluation

Manufactured goods made from alloys are under constant scrutiny to be stronger, lighter and to perform better - so whether your component has failed or you need to optimize your product our experience metallurgists can help you on the route to market. Through expert investigative skills, a thorough knowledge of materials and processes, and decades of industry experience, our metallurgical engineers are able provide critical insight into your materials problems.

Our experts have thorough knowledge of casting, welding, brazing, thermal spray, heat-treatment processes, as well as special expertise with superalloys, electrical conductors and composites.

Metallurgical evaluations include:

  • Braze analysis
  • Case depth
  • Casting evaluations
  • Coating characterization
  • Corrosion susceptibility
  • Failure analysis
  • Fractography
  • Grain size and distribution
  • High-quality photo documentation (micro / macro)
  • Image analysis
  • Inclusion content
  • Macro etching
  • Metallographic evaluation
  • Micro-indentation hardness testing
  • Operator qualifications (weld / braze)
  • Phase segregation and identification
  • Porosity measurements
  • Weld evaluations.

Specimens are extracted and prepared for testing and analysis in our in-house machine shop reducing turnaround times and increasing specimen traceability. Our skilled metallurgists utilize techniques ranging from optical microscopy and SEM-EDS analysis to our state-of-the-art electron microprobe and advanced surface analysis techniques, to obtain qualitative and quantitative information about the characteristics of a material or a failure.

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  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
    pdf (1.05 MB)

  • White Paper

    Additive Manufacturing - A Metallurgical Perspective
    pdf (4.98 MB)