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Product Optimization

You want your products to be the best they can be, to perform optimally and to never fail.  And you want to develop the next generation of products to ensure that you lead in your field.  We can help you to do this.

We combine our expertise in materials and processing with the knowledge we've built up over many years, working with clients on diverse projects across many different industries, to help you develop and optimize your products.

Working with you from the concept stage, we can advise on:

  • Materials selection
  • How materials will interact with each other and with different environments
  • How materials will perform under different conditions and in different applications
  • How to ensure products perform optimally
  • How failures can be avoided and / or rectified.

Product optimization is often only thought of when a product fails and, while we help many customers to solve problems with their products, we are strong advocates of predictive consultancy and testing to ensure that products are right first time.

We have comprehensive testing and characterization facilities and utilize a rational materials selection tool; our knowledge is backed up by hard data.

We also have pilot scale testing facilities to scale up from the lab to the pilot and then onto the manufacturing scale.

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  • White Paper

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  • White Paper

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  • White Paper

    Surface Engineering Coating Technology and Characterization of the Surface Region
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  • White Paper

    Digital Image Correlation and its Benefits to Industry
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