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Failure Analysis and Root Cause Investigation

We work with you to analyze failures, find their root cause and, more importantly, provide timely and cost-effective solutions.

At Lucideon, we know that identifying material, process and product faults and failures and finding the root cause of failures quickly in order to avoid downtime, inform product development and ensure buyer satisfaction is of paramount importance.

Our failure analysis services include complete physical, chemical and surface analysis of both metallic or non-metallic materials to:

  • Reduce down time
  • Find the root cause of failures
  • Prevent recurrences
  • Assess liability
  • Increase fundamental understanding of materials and equipment in your process

For metals, the testing services are augmented by extensive metallography and metallurgical evaluation capabilities, which, when combined with fractography using a scanning electron microscope, can further unlock important clues in the investigation of the root causes of failure.

For non-metals, chemical and surface analysis are often key to identifying contaminants; where they are and how they have been introduced into processing.

Failure analysis and root cause investigation is critical during any phase of the material life cycle. While we often think of it as occurring only as part of the quality control or service performance process, analysis during the design, feasibility and testing phases can also provide valuable information leading to improvements in the durability and performance of new products.

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  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
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    Failure Analysis of Plastic Products
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    Additive Manufacturing - A Metallurgical Perspective
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