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From raw materials and construction products to buildings and infrastructure, whether new-build or redevelopment projects, at Lucideon we are experts in all things construction.

» Visit our dedicated website to find out more about our services for the Construction industries.

Services for Construction Product Manufacturers

  • Structural and Integrity Testing
  • Weather Resistance and Durability
  • Wind Serviceability
  • On-site Testing
  • Installation and Fabrication Trials
  • Conformance Testing
  • Failure Analysis
  • Advanced Materials Development
  • Factory Production Control
  • Carbon Footprint.

Services for Construction Consultancy Companies

  • Change of Use
  • Stress Analysis
  • Sampling and Laboratory Testing
  • Failure Investigation
  • Installation and Fabrication Trials
  • Environmental Characterization
  • Characterization of Materials
  • Repairs – Validation
  • Validation by Testing
  • Site Investigations.

Construction & Support Services Companies

  • Site Investigations
  • Failure Investigations
  • Repairs – Validation
  • Change of Use
  • Installation and Fabrication Trials
  • Innovation Days
  • Building Control Compliance
  • Guarantee Providers Systems Acceptance
  • Benchmarking.

Services for Offsite & Modular Building Companies

  • Structural Verification of Panels
  • Factory Production Control
  • Assembly Process
  • Structural Verification of Systems
  • Materials Characterization / Development
  • Transportability, Storage and Installation
  • Benchmarking
  • Environmental Factors, Carbon Footprint and Durability.

Services for Local Government

  • Durability
  • Safety Aspects
  • Failure Analysis and Forensic Investigations
  • Maintenance Assessments
  • Litigation and Expert Witness
  • Condition Surveys
  • Structural Adequacy.

Services for Facilities Management Companies

  • Compliance with Building Regulations and Standards
  • Laboratory Testing
  • On-site Testing
  • Condition Surveys
  • Maintenance Assessments
  • Safety Aspects
  • Benchmarking
  • Installation and Fabrication Trials.

Lucideon is a Notified Body (NB 1289) under the Construction Products Regulation (EU) 305/2011 for the assessment and verification of construction products.  Lucideon maintains impartial procedures for all work performed as a Notified Body to safeguard its independence.

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