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Materials Characterization

The key to improving performance, developing future products and preventing failures is understanding what materials are made from, their structure and properties and how they interact with each other and their environment.

We take an integrated approach to understanding materials.  We use our materials expertise, of ceramics, glasses, metals, polymers and composites, along with our cross-industry knowledge and our wide range of analytical capabilities (read more about them in our Testing & Characterization section) to find out what materials are made from, how they are structured, and how they interact with other materials and with their environment.

Understanding your material will help you to:

  • Source the right material – finding the balance between robustness, functionality, effectiveness and compatibility
  • Meet regulatory requirements
  • Develop new products and applications
  • Confirm the quality and purity of your materials
  • Solve material and product failures
  • Identify contaminants and determine where they have been introduced.

If you have a materials issue, get in touch with us to find out how we can help you.

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  • White Paper

    Chemical Imaging of Industrial and Healthcare Materials by ToFSIMS
    pdf (1.79 MB)

  • White Paper

    Surface Engineering Coating Technology and Characterization of the Surface Region
    pdf (657 KB)