Management Systems Training - Internal Auditor

This innovative course is suitable for delegates seeking to improve their auditing skills as well as for those learning to become auditors.

Many clients are now using Lucideon to provide onsite training tailored to the specific needs of their organization. The training is delivered at a location which is convenient for you and avoids unnecessary travel time for your people. Training can be delivered anywhere in the UK or internationally.

It is a general auditing course and is therefore relevant for any organization that is seeking to implement a management system to standards including ISO 50001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 9001, and the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) or for those who are wishing to obtain the Wildlife Trusts' Biodiversity Benchmark.

The course is highly interactive and enables delegates to learn through discussion and practice -  there are eight exercises and no PowerPoint presentations!

Course Objectives

The course will cover the following:

  • The role of an auditor
  • Understanding the structure of an audit
  • The key elements of preparing for an audit
  • The principles and techniques of conducting an audit
  • The key elements of audit reporting.

Course Delivery and Content


The method of delivery is informal and interactive. A variety of exercises are established creating opportunities for questions and group discussion. Depending on the specific content required, delivery can be split over several days.


  • What is auditing? What is its purpose? And structure? What's involved in audit preparation and in conducting an audit?
  • Delegates are then required to undertake preparation for a 40-minute scenario-based audit which they will complete.
  • Delegates also prepare to become auditees in order to be able to assist in the completion of audits.
  • The learning outcomes from the audits are discussed; common problems are identified, and good practice is commended.
  • The findings from the audits are then identified and discussed. The concept of non-conformance is introduced and applied to the findings from the audit.
  • Auditors will be allowed to present their findings and non-conformances (if relevant) from their workplace audits. These are then discussed by the group. This reinforces some of the learning outcomes from the above and these learning outcomes are captured by the tutor as "Auditor Dos & Don'ts".
  • A detailed study – from an auditor's perspective – of a specific standard; one of ISO 50001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 9001 and EU ETS as appropriate.

Course Dates

This course is available throughout the year subject to mutually convenient availability.  For further information please contact Michelle Simons on 01782 411008 or via email

Course Fees

A tailored proposal will be prepared and issued for your review and approval.

» Register to Attend

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  • White paper

    What Makes a Good Auditor?

    pdf 105 KB

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