Company Profile

Lucideon CICS is a leading global expert in verification and certification services.

Our greenhouse gas (carbon) verifiers are renowned for their expertise and for well-planned and executed verifications to comply with voluntary and mandatory standards across a wide range of industries. Our services include:

Using our team of knowledgeable and experienced auditors, we have a history of providing impartial management system and product-specific certifications, including:

Our Head Office is in Stoke-on-Trent, UK, and we have regional offices in Cork, Ireland (For EU) and Raleigh NC, USA.

For details of our verification and certification services accreditations, which include UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service), click here

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  • Assurance Brochure

    Assurance Solutions from Lucideon

  • Why choose Lucideon?

    Why we are a leading verification & certification body