Carbon Disclosure Project Verification

Are you taking action to be sustainable by measuring and understanding your environmental impact? Do you want to increase your Carbon Disclosure Project score?

Improving corporate awareness through measurement and disclosure of your data and having your emissions verified by an independent third-party can dramatically improve your score. Indeed, even demonstrating that you are in the process of having your emissions verified can add points to your score.

  • Lucideon is a CDP Accredited Provider.

CDP accredited providers offer a range of services across a variety of sustainability issues, with Lucideon providing the independent third-party verification service for reporters.

As part of their GHG reduction strategy, many organizations are setting Science Based Targets. Businesses can ensure they are playing their part in the global effort to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius by setting a science based target.  Progress against science based target setting can be incorporated into the verification process if required.  The Science Based Target Initiative (SBTI) is a collaboration between CDP, World Resources Institute (WRI), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

The CDP currently makes public the data of over 5500 organizations worldwide - it's important then that this data, which is seen by investors, government bodies, employees, the media and consumers, is accurate.

Why is Independent Verification Important?

  • It gives your stakeholders confidence that the data you are reporting is accurate as it has been verified by an independent, third party. Confident stakeholders are more likely to invest in and buy from you.
  • It gives credibility to your data - and allows you to avoid accusations of ‘greenwash', thereby distinguishing you from your competition.
  • Accurate data enables you to manage emissions effectively - pinpointing areas where reductions can be made and costs saved.
  • Should new legislation come into force, you are well placed to report accurate data on time without having to start the whole process from scratch.
  • Having independent verification earns you more CDP points - improving your CDP score!

CDP Annual Disclosure Cycle Timeline and Deadlines

The release of the new annual questionnaires and reporting guidance is typically during January Week 2. CDP normally opens its Online Response System (ORS) during April Week 2. The scoring deadline for submission of CDP questionnaires is normally July Week 4.

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  • Webinar Recording

    CDP - Tips to the Top

  • CDP Video Testimonial

    From Richard Cooper, Level 3 Communications