CDP - Tips to the Top

Webinar Recording

This webinar, presented by Esther Stoakes, Technical Manager - Scoring and Low-Carbon Transition at CDP and Ann-Marie Cornall, sales consultant for Lucideon Assurance, will cover carbon footprint principles such as; definition, scope, standards, calculation, intensity and ratio.

Esther Stoakes talks about:

  • The 2017 point allocation system – completeness, explanations, point weighting, trends etc.
  • Why points are awarded for assurance/verification
  • The percentage of points for third party assurance & Scope 3
  • The benefits of verification and being on the A-List.

The CDP currently makes public the data of over 5500 organizations worldwide - it is important that this data is accurate and is generated by best practice procedures to instil confidence in investors, government bodies, employees, the media and consumers.

Ann-Marie talks about these CDP-related issues:

  • What CDP is
  • Disclosure
  • What’s involved in the verification process
  • And the benefits of verification.

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