Universities and Further Education

The Benefits of Certification

Certification to standards such as ISO 14001 and the new Energy Management System (EnMS) Standard, ISO 50001, can help universities to boost their ranking on leagues such as The People & Planet Green League 2013.  Points are awarded to universities who have certification from an external body, in recognition of the rigour and accuracy of external auditing.

8 of the 10 top People & Planet Green League 2013 Places have gone to Universities who have ISO 14001 or are working towards it.

Having externally certified management systems in place not only helps 'green' universities to improve their brand and reputation, it also helps them to focus on continual improvement which often brings about cost savings and improved performance and efficiency.

» Watch our video on the benefits of implementing ISO 50001 here

Certification helps to improve rankings:

  • Sheffield Hallam University was ranked 27th in 2011 - after achieving certification of ISO 50001, a ranking of 19th in the 2012 Green League was awarded.
  • Ranked 37th in 2011 before achieving certification to ISO 14001, the University of Bristol was given a ranking of 11th in the 2012 Green League after receiving ISO 14001 certification.
  • The University of Greenwich moved from 5th in 2011 to 1st in the 2012 Green League by achieving certification to ISO 14001.

Why choose independent certification with Lucideon?

  • Lucideon auditors have vast experience of how universities and FE operate through providing carbon footprinting, CRC, NER and EU ETS services, allowing us to provide robust and vigorous certification.
  • Regular risk and process based audits allow you to focus on continual improvement of both your organization and of your management systems.
  • You will be appointed a dedicated lead auditor who will be your single point of contact.
  • We pride ourselves on great customer service - our team is flexible, friendly and provides a quick but efficient service.
  • Independent certification is a key discriminator of real commitment and action, thereby enhancing your reputation and credibility.
  • Stakeholders (staff, students, government, regulators) want to work with and be part of 'green' organizations - independent certification gives credibility to your management systems.

Confused by the different schemes? We're here to help

Universities, FE and HE can go straight for ISO 14001 certification or can take advantage of some excellent schemes in the market like EcoCampus or the Green Dragon Environmental Standard to achieve the higher education equivalent of ISO 14001. Those who achieve the Platinum EcoCampus or Level Five Green Dragon are well prepared and can demonstrate credibility at an international recognised cross-industry level to achieve ISO 14001 certification.

The next step

Give us a call or use the Enquiry button to send us an email. We can talk you through the certification process, provide a quote and tell you about the other sustainability assurance services we offer, such as Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme report and evidence pack assurance, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Report assurance and verification of your product carbon footprint.

*auditor’s time is free - the travel, accommodation expenses and VAT, where applicable, of the Auditor will be invoiced at cost.

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  • White paper

    Lucideon’s Quick Guide to ISO 50001, the New Energy Management System Standard

    pdf 839 KB

  • White paper

    Lucideon’s Guide to ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems

    pdf 196 KB

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  • Carbon Footprinting

    Verification of carbon footprints and GHG inventories

  • ISO 50001 Video

    Watch our video - the benefits of ISO 50001