Implementing an Energy Management System for ISO 50001

This course is designed for delegates seeking to either create or improve upon an energy management system (EnMS) for their organization.

It will also assist delegates keen to understand the implications of ISO 50001, and enable businesses to make an informed decision about whether or not to seek ISO 50001 certification.

Lucideon is a leading accredited certification body for ISO 50001 with clients from the whole range of operations - energy intensive, corporate, university, multi-scale manufacturing.

The course is highly interactive and enables delegates to learn through discussion and practice.

Course Objectives

The objectives for the course comprise:

  • Considering why an effective Energy Management System is important
  • Understanding the background to ISO 50001
  • A thorough examination of the requirements of ISO 50001
  • Exploring how to implement an EnMS to meet the requirements of ISO 50001.

Course Delivery and Content


The method of delivery is informal and interactive. A variety of exercises are established creating opportunities for questions and group discussion. Depending on the specific content required, delivery can be split over several days.

Delegates are encouraged to bring along either planned, or existing, elements of their organization's Energy Management System (including Energy Policies; Energy Reviews, and Energy Baselines) for discussion and appraisal.


In delivering the course objectives, some of the modules will include:

  • A clause-by-clause analysis of ISO 50001
  • An overview of energy legislation, and an exploration of some key items of legislation
  • Examining the fundamental requirements of Energy Review, and Energy Baseline and considering some examples
  • Considering the importance of ‘links’ within an effective EnMS
  • Introducing a simple technique of ‘gap analysis’ in the context of ISO 50001
  • Considering the ‘hurdles’/barriers to establishing an effective EnMS
  • A consideration of integrated management systems
  • Identifying the important next steps in creating a robust EnMS.

Course Dates

This course is available throughout the year subject to mutually convenient availability.  For further information please contact Michelle Simons on 01782 411008 or via email

Course Fees

A tailored proposal will be prepared and issued for your review and approval.

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  • White paper

    Lucideon’s Quick Guide to ISO 50001, the New Energy Management System Standard

    pdf 839 KB

  • White paper

    Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)

    pdf 620 KB

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