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Surface Analysis

We specialize in surface, near surface and interface analysis.

Surface analysis techniques provide a powerful testing & characterization service for many applications and industries, including energy and power generation.  Surfaces of products play a significant role in product behavior and interaction, and features on a microscopic level can often provide insight into what those properties are, and how they work.  We apply surface analysis techniques to help you understand how materials and surfaces affect performance, improve existing and develop new materials and products.

We can characterize elements and their isotopes, chemical groups, polymers and surface additives.  Surface analysis techniques allow us to measure elemental and molecular chemistry of all elements from H to U in the ppm – ppb range on any material.

Elemental & molecular imaging can be used to map across an outer surface or cross section of a material or component.

Surfaces can be analyzed to identify the presence of process contaminants, impurities, processing residuals and surface treatments to depths of tens of microns.  Depth analysis allows characterization of layer structures, buried features and surface treatments.  Multi-Element depth profiling can be performed to depths from nanometers to tens of micrometers.

Typical applications include characterizing coatings and thin films, performing cleanliness evaluations, identifying the root causes for lack of adhesion or bonding, compositional analysis of glass layer structures, investigation of stains and rinse residues, monitoring of surface cleaning treatments, and in-depth investigation of tribological surfaces, including wear scars.  Non-destructive testing can be performed so samples do not have to be destroyed.

Surface analysis techniques are compatible with retrospective 3D mapping techniques to show chemical maps and depth profiles.  Chemical mapping can show features down to <1 micron in size, a useful technique for the clear diagnosis of fault areas, among other applications.

Surface Topography mapping techniques are used to generate 3D maps of surfaces on the nanometer (nm) scale showing microstructure, wear patterns and effects of exposure.

Our experts are actively involved in a number of research programs and projects, as well as one-off analyses, which include:

  • Troubleshooting problems
  • Defending product claims
  • Settling commercial liability disputes
  • Reverse engineering of competitor products
  • Validating new products and processes.

» For more information on these techniques, visit the Lucideon Corporate site.

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  • Surface Analysis Techniques

    XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy)

    Dynamic SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry)

    ToF-SIMS (Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry)

    WLI (White Light Interferometry)

    SEM/EDX (Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Analysis)

    3DSEM (Three Dimensional Scanning Electron Microscopy)

    XRD (X-Ray Diffraction)

    FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis)

    AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy)

    TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy)

    Raman Spectroscopy

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