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High Temperature Oxidation Testing

Lucideon's burner rig test facility is used to evaluate the performance of gas turbine materials in an oxidizing environment, providing you with a detailed analysis of hot surface coatings and substrates.

We provide a cost-effective alternative to full-scale testing for materials screening and development.  Analysis is performed on small-scale samples for extended periods of time at temperatures of over 2100°F (1148°C).

Our facility contains six independently controlled test rigs.  Sample geometry is typically cylindrical pins but other geometries (such as discs) may be suitable for analysis.  With capabilities to test 126 pins at any one time you receive a broad data set, allowing you to evaluate numerous alloys, bond coats, Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs) and application processes quickly and efficiently.

Lucideon also offers complete metallographic preparation, metallurgical evaluation and chemical analysis services for post-test analysis of coating and substrate performance, including analysis of:

  • Bonding
  • Corrosion
  • Wear
  • Fatigue
  • Heat treatment
  • Castings
  • Coatings and surface treatments
  • Powder metallurgy
  • Welding
  • Brazing
  • Component design
  • Interface interactions
  • Changes in phase and composition
  • Contamination.

Lucideon's comprehensive quality assurance program is in compliance with ISO 17025, Nadcap (aerospace and defence) and 10CFR50 Appendix B (nuclear).  These rigorous requirements are applied to every job we perform as standard.

» Read more about our accreditations here