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Metallography & Imaging & Analysis

Samples can be prepared in any orientation in our machine shop.

We can section materials on equipment ranging from a 2" precision diamond saw, to a wire EDM, with multiple grinders, cut-off saws, and band saws.

Metallographic mounts can be prepared in a range of sizes up to 8 inches in diameter.  Cured hot press mounts may also be prepared in one hour for rush service needs.  Field metallography and replication services for large components or structures are also available.

Mounted specimens of all material types are imaged and evaluated utilizing digital imaging techniques and calibrated image analysis software to investigate and document important features of interest.

Our imaging capabilities include photomacrography in magnifications up to 50X, and photomicrography up to 1000X using brightfield, darkfield, polarized light or differential interference contrast imaging.

Versatile image processing and analysis software and automated stage microscopy are available for rapid, quantitative image analysis of large or intricate cross-sections.

Lucideon offers a wide array of analysis techniques including optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-EDS), Electron Microprobe Analysis (EPMA), advanced Surface Analysis, metallurgical evaluation, and measurement of features by calibrated image analysis software to help clients solve a wide variety of problems, perform research and development, and qualify operators, processes and materials.

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  • White Paper

    Solving Problems by Materials Analysis with an Electron Microprobe
    pdf (2.62 MB)