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Testing & Characterization for the Energy Industry

From our ISO 17025-accredited laboratories, we provide a wide array of materials preparation, characterization, testing and analysis services.

We have extensive experience of testing the materials traditionally used in the energy industries (for example, power generation equipment - steels, stainless steels, superalloys, thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), resin systems, mica tapes, copper stator bars). We perform standardized testing to support qualifications, investigations and compliance testing.

Typical test methods include UKAS, ASTM, BS EN, MIL-STD and company-specific methods. To see a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list, click here.

We also characterize novel materials, such as new corrosion resistant alloys. We offer custom test program design services to support new material and product development.

Our experts stay at the cutting edge of developing test methods and industry standards to address products manufactured via new techniques, such as additive manufactured raw materials and products, and Flash Sintering of ceramics.

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  • White Paper

    Surface Engineering Coating Technology and Characterization of the Surface Region
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  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
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