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What We Do

Materials form the basis of what you do. Materials expertise forms the basis of what we do.

We work with you throughout the lifecycle of your product, from ideas generation to feasibility studies, from prototyping and testing, to production line implementation and commercialization.

Materials & Process Consultancy

Optimizing, improving, developing, reducing cost, waste- let us help. With decades of cross-industry experience and materials and process expertise, our goal is to help you develop the next generation of products.

Testing & Characterization

Our state-of-the-art facilities and equipment generate data but what we provide is analysis of that data, working with you to develop new products and processes and eliminate failures.


Developing technologies is central to what we do - both our own proprietary technologies and working with you to develop yours. Disruptive technologies are changing the world. Let us show you what we can do.

Technology Partnerships

Why not become a Technology Partner? We have a variety of packages available and can also develop a customized package to suit your needs. Access to our experts, information, testing - becoming a Technology Partner keeps you ahead of the game.

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