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Waste Stabilization through Glass Encapsulation

We help clients develop new ways of immobilizing waste through vitrification and encapsulation. We can formulate and develop glass and ceramic host materials and scale up laboratory trials to full pilot scale trials.

We also provide characterization and testing to approved standards and offer sector-specific and customized testing, such as leaching tests.

Our services include:

  • Formulation and development of glass and ceramic host materials
  • Material sample preparation (host materials and host plus simulants)
  • Pilot scale trials
  • Scale up from pilot plant to implementation/manufacturing.

What makes us unique?

  • Dedicated materials expertise in glass, ceramics, metals, polymers and composites
  • Chemical and process engineers who work with you to implement materials and process developments into your facility
  • Comprehensive analytical capabilities allowing us to offer an integrated approach to testing and characterization
  • Pilot scale facilities for the installation of relevant larger scale developments
  • Facilities in the UK and the US, and accredited laboratories in the Far East.

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