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Services for the Wind Turbine Industry

As materials and process experts, we provide all the support you need.


  • Process & repair qualifications
    Data and evidence to support utilizing new techniques and procedures to provide high-quality, repeatable results.
  • Alloy development & selection
    Materials expertise to expedite selection of materials fit for custom applications, and development of incoming material specifications to ensure supplier quality.
  • Corrosion analysis
    Expert metallurgical evaluation of components to determine if the root cause of premature corrosion damage is due to material or manufacturing deficiencies, or to environmental factors.
  • Debris analysis
    Information about the chemical composition of materials to determine if the source is component degradation or introduction of contaminants.
  • Rotor-lead tab re-lead inspections
    Assessment of the quality of workmanship and materials used via fractography, resin system assessment, arc damage inspection, foreign material identification, and examination of features of interest.
  • Complete generator failure investigations
    Determination of the root cause of failures and remedial actions to prevent them from reoccurring.
  • Fatigue evaluations
    Determination of the failure mechanisms that cause premature fatigue and degradation to predict life expectancy, and source or develop superior products.
  • Petrographic analysis
    Assessment the condition of concrete support systems to determine if internal deterioration exists, if it is structural or cosmetic degradation, and can be remediated or must be replaced.


  • Conventional & additive manufactured part qualification
    Comprehensive support including analysis of powder materials and raw stock, metallurgical evaluation, chemical analysis, mechanical property characterization, failure analysis and recommendations for improvement.
  • NDT to support maintenance
    Examination of degradation of components to assess life expectancy, determine if repairs will be adequate or if replacement is required.
  • Metallographic cross-section examinations
    Imaging and analysis of a wide variety of materials to examine grain size, microstructure, porosity, constituent distribution, phases, bonding interfaces, and dimensional measurements, all documented with high-quality photo macrographs and micrographs.
  • Thermal analysis of blade materials
    Assessments of the quality of materials and manufacturing procedures utilized to fabricate blades.
  • Vendor & component qualification testing
    Independent inspections and specification testing to verify the quality of materials and manufactured goods for sale, acceptance testing for OEM and regulatory compliance, and property validation for new product offerings.
  • Operator qualification testing
    Third-party independent inspections.

To find out more about our accreditations, click here.

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  • White Paper

    Wind Turbine Impact Damage Study
    pdf (6.86 MB)

  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
    pdf (1.47 MB)

  • White Paper

    Additive Manufacturing - A Metallurgical Perspective
    pdf (6.26 MB)