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Failure Analysis - Wind Turbines

Utilize Lucideon's decades of expertise in qualifying and evaluating power generation materials to identify the root causes of failure in wind turbine hardware and systems.  We perform failure investigations on materials ranging from concrete in the base support system to gearbox and complete generator failure, to support OEMs, owners, operators and insurance companies.

Examples of our work include:

  • Turbine blade failure, and all turbine hardware
  • Premature bearing failure
  • Corrosion and wear-related failure of seal rings in an electric utility generator
  • Root cause of deposit build-up on process equipment
  • Trip failure in electrical relays
  • Root cause analysis of failed rotor lead tabs
  • Evaluation of crevice corrosion in generator stator bar brazed joints, leak path and insulation failure investigations
  • Total generator failure
  • Petrographic analysis of deteriorated concrete support systems.

Research & Development / Quality Control

Analyzing failures during the research and development stage, or during quality control testing,  provides fundamental understanding of the material properties required for your specific application and environment, expediting the design phase and supplier quality validations.

Manufacturing – Optimization & Troubleshooting

Determining the root causes for variations in production can be utilized to determine processing windows, create stricter material specifications, and reduce creation of faulty parts.

Failures in Service

Lucideon provides independent failure investigation services that includes materials testing governed by the rigorous quality management system requirements of UKAS, ISO 17025, 10CFR50 Appendix B (nuclear), Nadcap (aerospace & defense), and GE S-400.

» Find out more about our accreditations here

We can conduct site visits to examine the failure in its environment and provide advice on appropriate sample collection techniques and photographic documentation of evidence.

Examples of Analytical Capabilities

Analytical techniques ranging from visual inspection and photo documentation through microstructural and microchemical analysis are applied to investigate failures of all types.

  • Specimen extraction through sectioning & wire EDM
  • In-house CNC machine shop
  • Chemical analysis
  • Contamination and debris identification
  • Fractography
  • Metallographic preparation
  • Metallurgical evaluation
  • Image analysis / microscopy
  • SEM-EDS / electron microprobe
  • Advanced surface analysis
  • Mechanical testing
  • Thermal analysis
  • Electrical testing
  • Expert witness services.

On Demand Webinars

  • Hydrogen - Diffusion, Permeability, Hydride Formation and Metallic Embrittlement - Part 2

    The growing use of hydrogen in the energy industry sets in motion a myriad of metallurgical issues and problems. The metallurgical community has long been dealing with problems associated with hydrogen interaction with metals; from containment in its liquid state at cryogenic temperatures to its burning as a fuel at high temperatures and everything in between. This is part two of a two-part webinar series that addresses some of the more complex metallurgical issues related to hydrogen..

    See the recording

  • Hydrogen - Diffusion, Permeability, Hydride Formation and Metallic Embrittlement - Part 1

    The growing use of hydrogen in the energy industry sets in motion a myriad of metallurgical issues and problems. The metallurgical community has long been dealing with problems associated with hydrogen interaction with metals; from containment in its liquid state at cryogenic temperatures to its burning as a fuel at high temperatures and everything in between. This is part one of a two-part webinar series that addresses some of the more complex metallurgical issues related to hydrogen.

    See the recording

  • Cleaning Issues with Additive Manufactured Devices

    While this general topic has been covered in various webinars in the past, here we isolate several key aspects of the problem. The unique porous coated surfaces of new additively manufactured (AM) medical implants have proven to be quite complex and are creating challenges with respect to effective cleaning.

    See the recording

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  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
    pdf (1.47 MB)

  • White Paper

    Wind Turbine Impact Damage Study
    pdf (6.86 MB)

  • White Paper

    Solving Problems by Materials Analysis with an Electron Microprobe
    pdf (2.62 MB)