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Services for the Power Generation Industry

Power Generation Materials & Process Support

  • Conventional and additive manufactured part qualification
    Our support services include analysis of the quality of raw and recycled powder, microstructural and metallurgical evaluations, chemical analysis, mechanical strength, failure analysis and interface examination of bonded layers to optimize 3D printed part performance.
  • Coating system development
    Analysis to help you understand your coating material selection, homogeneity, bonding, interface interactions and effects from wear.
  • Alloy development & selection
    Utilize our materials expertise to expedite selection of materials fit for custom applications, and develop incoming material specifications to ensure consistent supplier quality for conventional and 3D printed parts.
  • Processing & repairs
    Scaling up a new processing line or repair technique? We evaluate your materials properties to determine how to optimize your processing parameters. Did your repair give you the properties you need? We can tell you.

Power Generation Materials & Components Failure Analysis

  • Turbine and generator failure investigations
    Our experts are available to survey the damage, photo document the condition of failure, advise on sample collection and investigate to determine the root cause of your generator, gas or steam turbine failure. Expert witness testimony is available to support insurance and litigation needs.
  • Power generation components failure analysis
    We perform analyses of failures in metallic and non-metallic components, stemming from causes such as corrosion, erosion, wear, fatigue, impact, improper heat treatment, casting related defects, coating system failure and improper surface treatments.
  • Insulation system verification & investigations
    We're experts at performing failure analyses of stator bar insulation systems that can lead to generator failure. Insurance companies and site owners rely on us to conduct independent and credible third-party investigations. We also perform stator bar insulation system qualification by electrical breakdown testing.

Power Generation Testing

  • Power generation components testing
    Independent components testing to ASTM and OEM specifications.
  • High temperature oxidization testing for hot gas path components
    Test alloy and coating combinations to develop new and improved products that can increase the temperature and efficiency of natural gas turbines. Evaluate the performance of gas turbine materials at high temperature in an oxidizing environment, using our burner rig test facility. Find out more.
  • Creep testing
    Analysis of the time-dependent behavior of metals and composites at elevated temperatures under applied stress. Find out more.
  • Process & repair qualifications
    We provide data and evidence that supports utilizing new techniques and procedures to provide high-quality, repeatable results.
  • Operator quals
    Including welding and brazing.
  • Casting evaluations
    Expert metallurgical examinations of the grain structure of castings through macro etching, imaging and analysis to assess casting parameters.
  • Stator bar insulation system qualification
  • Gleeble testing
    As the only ISO 17025 compliant commercial laboratory to offer Gleeble testing, we can characterize alloy properties including hot ductility, flow stress and weldability - allowing you to optimize processing parameters and develop new high temperature materials and products quickly.

ยป Find out more about our accreditations here.

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  • White Paper

    Your Metal Component has Failed in Fatigue: What do you do next?
    pdf (1.09 MB)

  • White Paper

    Additive Manufacturing - A Metallurgical Perspective
    pdf (6.26 MB)

  • Data Sheet

    Power Generation Services Portfolio

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