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Ian Campbell

Expertise in: Glass technology; controlled release

Senior Scientist

Ian has a first class Degree from Staffordshire University in Ceramic Science and Engineering and holds a Licentiateship of the Institute of Ceramics. As a trained expert witness Ian has a Cardiff University Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate.

Ian Campbell

In addition to extensive experience in the field of materials and ceramics manufacture, Ian has specialist knowledge of glass and glaze composition and development. This expertise incorporates all product types including vitreous enamel and unique glass formulations for both traditional and non-traditional applications, especially in the coating, sealing and joining of materials with glass. Ian has also developed glass materials with functional properties related to the chemistry and controlled solubility of materials.

Glassy materials in powder or granulate form are employed, or have the potential to be employed in almost every area of technology from traditional ceramic glaze and vitreous enamels, to sealing and coating of electronic components, biomedical applications, cosmetics etc. Glasses may be stable and relatively inert or formulated to provide selected reactivity. The nature of the glassy state enables this wide range of properties to be developed for many applications. By using knowledge of the complex interactions of the glass constituents Ian is able to design and produce glassy materials with properties tuned for specific applications.

Ian's background with glass technology enabled the initial development of Lucideon's inorganic controlled release technology (iCRT) and further innovations in diverse sectors such as agriculture, personal care and healthcare for delivery of both inorganic and organic materials.

Ian has twenty-five years of industry experience in production, materials supply, research, development and consultancy. During his career, he has conducted numerous product development and troubleshooting projects for organizations in various sectors of the manufacturing and supply industry.

A regular lecturer at various institutes worldwide, Ian is an authority in the development, production, service and performance of ceramic products and glassy materials.

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