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Frank Anderson

Expertise in: Business management, laboratory operations, mechanical engineering and design

President of Lucideon in the US

Frank has over thirty-five years of technical and business leadership experience.

Frank Anderson

He serves as president of Lucideon in the US, overseeing business operations at both the Schenectady, NY and Greenville, SC sites.  Frank joined M+P in 2007 after a 30-year career with GE, and has a broad functional background and leadership experience in product design, systems engineering, advanced manufacturing engineering, service engineering, R&D, and product planning.  He has been involved with the power generation industry for much of his career, and is knowledgeable of the design, materials, and service performance of turbine and generator equipment and components.

Frank holds a B.S. from Lehigh University and an M.S. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, both in Mechanical Engineering.  He is also a licensed Professional Engineer in New York State, and holds multiple patents.

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