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David Behnke

Expertise in: Physical metallurgy and conventional materials characterization techniques

Senior Metallurgical Engineer

David has over twenty years experience with the physical metallurgy of ferrous, nonferrous, and nickel-based alloys and high temperature oxidation protection coatings.

David Behnke

He conducts root cause failure analysis across a wide range of industrial and commercial products, including rotating machinery -- steam turbines, gas turbine hot gas path components and gas compressors – in addition to under-hood automotive components, high-strength fasteners and consumer cookware. He is also familiar with many aspects of material production and fabrication methods, including wire or bar drawing, extrusion, cold heading or upset forging, cold and hot rolling of sheet or strip, strip roll forming, stamping, deep drawing, precipitation hardening, heat treating and tempering.

David holds a Masters Degree in Metallurgical Engineering from Purdue University. He is a member of the Capital District Microscopy and Microanalysis Society (Microscopy Society of America affiliate), and ASM International.

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