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You are here: Home » Insight hub » Expert Biographies » Dale Purvis

Dale Purvis

Expertise in: Concrete petrography, welding related problem solving and troubleshooting, electrical testing of insulating materials, electrical failure analysis

Leader, Special Projects

Dale is a materials testing and failure analysis specialist with extensive experience in concrete petrography, welding & metallurgical problem solving and failure analysis, electrical testing and electrical component failure analysis.

Dale Purvis

Prior to joining Lucideon 20 years ago, Dale spent 16 years with General Dynamics in the Electric Boat Division in various roles of submarine construction and overhaul. The roles included four years trade/construction supervision and 12 years welding engineering duties, including 8 years of naval nuclear overhaul experience at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), ID and the Kenneth A. Kesselring Site, NY.

Dale has considerable 'hands-on' construction/fabrication and laboratory/analytical experience which aids in understanding some of the complex variables involved in failure analysis investigations.

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