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Lucideon Provides Customized Materials Testing Project for INS (Phase 1)

Client: International Nuclear Services (INS), UK

Project: Bespoke Materials Testing (phase 1)

Duration: 12 months

The Challenge

INS is developing a design for a reusable Type B radioactive materials transport container to be used to transport low heat generating radioactive wastes.

In support of the design, INS carried out a materials gap analysis to identify the current availability of material property data for Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The outcome from the materials gap analysis identified a requirement for specific materials data used in the construction of the transport container.

INS required a customized, complex and robust mechanical testing programme to be delivered to fill the gaps in the material’s property data. Specifically, the materials gap analysis has identified a requirement for mechanical properties for several steels at various temperatures.

What We Delivered

Lucideon delivered a testing programme on the various steel types, providing robust mechanical property data through the delivery of tensile testing at temperatures ranging from minus 40°C to plus 600°C. All specimens were manufactured at Lucideon and the data provided included: Ultimate Tensile Strength, Breaking Strength, Maximum Elongation, Reduction in Area and A stress-strain curve reduced to a maximum of 20 pairs of stress-strain data points (for input into FEA).

Value to the Client

All required data was produced and delivered to INS on time, to specification and within budget. This allowed INS to mature their design and meet their obligations to the end client.

» Read about Phase 2 of the project here.

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