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World Ceramics Abstracts

PDF Format

World Ceramics Abstracts, published monthly in PDF format, is compiled by Lucideon and provides comprehensive coverage of the worldwide literature on the manufacture, processing and applications of ceramics.

Sectors covered include: Advanced Ceramics, Bioceramics, Engineering Ceramics, Electroceramics, Traditional Ceramics (tableware, tiles, sanitaryware), Raw Materials and Minerals, Refractories, Building Ceramics, Glass and Vitreous Enamels. Coverage also includes Commercial and Economic Information, Statistical Information, Company Activities, Environmental matters, Properties and Testing.

Detailed and informative abstracts are prepared by a team of specialists to provide essential information for researchers, manufacturers and end users.

Source materials include a wide range of international publications including industry journals, books and conference proceedings.

A sample issue may be downloaded here.

World Ceramics Abstracts Online

World Ceramics Abstracts is also available online and is a key resource for global information on ceramic materials, processing, properties, testing and applications. Detailed and informative abstracts describing the article content are prepared by our team of specialists.

The database currently contains over 250,000 records dating from 1978 and is updated with new abstracts every month.

Users can easily search for information in a variety of ways, by keyword or phrase, or by author, company / organisation, or by date. Search results comprise abstracts with full bibliographic details. Copies of the original documents can be ordered from Lucideon's Knowledge Centre.

Access to World Ceramics Abstracts online database is included in the Technology Partnership packages which provide 24/7 access. Through this service you can obtain direct access to technical information in one location, saving time in searching the internet and other resources. All content included in the database is available from Lucideon's Knowledge Centre.

For more information contact: hannah.poole@lucideon.com

World Ceramics Abstracts

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