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Products Available

Manufactured from ceramic for stability and durability, Colour Standards are ideal for use in Quality Control Procedures to BS EN ISO 9000. A Calibration Service for our standards under UKAS accreditation is also provided.

Basic Range

Basic-CCSII-Set-10cm-Gloss.jpgColour Standards Series II (CCSII)
Internationally recognised as the leading set of standards for checking the consistency of operation and accuracy of colour measuring instruments over long periods, CCSII consists of 12 glazed ceramic tile standards.

3 Neutral Grey Standards - for checking photometric linearity
7 Chromatic Standards - for checking spectral response
2 Colour Difference Standards - providing a direct check on colour difference measurement for repeatability purposes

Colour Standards Series II (CCSSII)

To ensure that the standards fit precisely to the aperture of an instrument, production is carefully controlled to preserve a smooth, very slightly convex surface.

The CCSII are available in two basic sizes - 10cm x 10cm and 5cm x 5cm or can be made to customers specific specifications.


Neutral Standards

Neutral-Grey-Standards-10cm-Gloss.jpgWe stock a range of greys, starting with White and dropping down to Black. The approximate Reflectance values (0/45) are:
88% (White)
80%, 70%
61% (Pale Grey)
50%, 40%, 34%
25% (Mid Grey)
5% (Deep Grey)
0.5% (Black).

A special opaque Black Glass is also available with Reflectance (0/45 ) of 0%.

Neutral Standards

The White can be used to check the stability of the standard provided with an instrument, in a Quality Assurance procedure, while the 50% Grey can be used in deriving the correction for sample absorption error in single beam spectrophotometry.


Printing Standards

printing-standards.jpgRobust standards set for the print industry in a choice of finishes: glossy and matt.

The mount which holds the standards has been designed to enable the instrument optics to remain on the same plane as the standards, thus providing easy and accurate measurements every time.

Each set consists of 7 chromatic standards for spectral response, 2 colour difference standards, 3 neutral grey standards for photo linearity, and both a black and a white standard.


Mini CCSIV Sets

Mini CCSIV SetsAs per the basic range plus a black and a white, the individual pieces of Colour Standard are 10mm x 10mm with the whole set of a similar size to a credit card (85mm x 55mm x 2mm).


Custom Standards

custom-standards-example.jpgIf you have a requirement for standards to fulfil a specific role in your activities, we can produce colours to order.

Examples of applications are:

  • Bathroom colours
  • Tomato paste reference for Europe
  • Calibration standards for textiles
  • Biscuit standard
  • Road marking.

Matt Standards

Our standards are normally supplied with a gloss surface. However we have a treatment which produces a very effective and uniform Matt surface. The advantage of this is that both Specular Included and Specular Excluded measurements give essentially the same result, simplifying measurement. The surface remains durable enough to be cleaned if it becomes soiled.


Size and Shape

The normal sizes for standards are currently 5cm x 5cm and 10cm x 10cm, however, standards can be made to customers specifications of size and shape.

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