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Applications of Colour Standards

Many of the world's leading colour instrument manufacturers regularly use and recommend our Colour Standards.

Our Colour Standards can be used in almost any imaginable application where light and colour are important; they provide a stable reference in the unstable world of colour.  In printing and packaging they are often used to help maintain and control the grey scale.

Traditional areas where you can expect to see Colour Standards in use are those involved in textiles, dyes, paints, plastics, ceramics and cosmetics.  Innovation has led to Colour Standards now being used in recycling projects and environmental testing.  As consumers become increasingly discerning, colour control has become an important part of product development and production control across many industries.

Case Studies - Applications of Colour Standards in Industry

Dental Materials
Colour Standards were used in the development of an accurate colour control system for assessing the colour of dental resins during the manufacture of teeth and fillings.

Road Safety
Colour limits are imposed on the suppliers of the thermoplastic coatings used in the manufacture of road marking paint.  Our customer used Colour Standards to ensure that the white and yellow paint produced was within these colour limits.

A series of standard colours was needed for the producers of bathroom wares to coordinate the glazes and acrylics used.  Many manufacturers worked together to develop a range of popular colours which helped to reduce unnecessary competition and duplication of similar colours between manufacturers.

Colour is regarded as a primary process monitoring control tool in this sector as food quality is often based on colour - from the measurement of shades of biscuits and bread to the roasting of cereal for brewing to the manufacture of tomato paste.

Customers from the pharmaceutical sector use colour instrumental control to monitor the colour change of powders in storage and for diagnostic determination.  For example, where the test strips used in urinalysis need to be measured for colour change Lucideon has provided ceramic calibration strips for the instruments used.

Accurate measurement is vital for consistency of product, to improve efficiency and to reduce production costs - our Colour Standards provide a reliable and stable reference.

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