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You are here: Home » Insight hub » Expert Biographies » Julius Bonini, P.E.

Julius Bonini, P.E.

Expertise in: Additive manufacturing, metallurgy, SEM, EDS, organic materials analysis methodologies

Principal Consultant, Metallurgy

Julius is a licensed Professional Engineer with a specialty in metallurgical failure analysis.

Julius Bonini

He joined Lucideon in early 2010 when our US lab acquired his metallurgical consulting firm MPSI. He is responsible for On-Site Materials & Process Troubleshooting and failure analysis as well as supporting a diverse roster of clients. He has over 35 years of experience in the healthcare and aerospace industries with a specific specialization in titanium alloys. In recent years, with the development of new 3D printing technologies, he also heads Lucideon's Additive Manufacturing support services. He has become an expert in metal additive manufacturing and has provided clients a much needed metallurgical perspective on this developing technology. He has assisted clients with proper component design, materials and powder development, process optimization, the application of effective post-processing operations, testing and validation, as well as failure analysis and root cause investigations. He has recently focused the healthcare community on issues related to cleanliness and particle shedding of additive manufactured medical devices and implants. His general metallurgical expertise encompasses analysis of corrosion, wear, fatigue, heat treatment, castings, metal coating and surface treatment, powder metallurgy, welding, component design, and the analysis of contamination. He has worked with many materials, including steels (stainless, alloy, tool) and alloys (aluminum, copper, Titanium, Nickel), precious metals, soldering alloys, specialty electronic and magnetic materials, polymers, ceramics and concrete materials.

Julius began his career as a Metallurgical Engineer in the Materials and Process Department at McDonnell Douglas and has amassed over 30 years of experience. He has contributed papers for symposia and publications of MPIF, APMI, AIME, SAMPE, and others and taught a variety of Mathematics courses for Purdue University. He holds multiple patents.

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