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Dr. Geoff Edgell

Expertise in: Construction

Director and Principal Construction Consultant

Geoff has a Degree in Civil Engineering, PhD in 'Unsteady flow to Gravity Wells' and has served as a Visiting Professor in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Leeds where he lectured on the Masters Degree Course - Deterioration of Masonry Structures.

Geoff Edgell

During his forty year career in the construction and building industry, Geoff has become a Chartered Engineer, a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, an Accredited Expert Witness and is a past President of the British Masonry Society.

Geoff began his profession as a lecturer in Civil Engineering at the University of Leeds, lecturing on Structural Analysis and Soil Mechanics. Joining Ceram (now Lucideon) in 1976, Geoff created the structural theory department based on his keen interest in research and development. Since then he has been involved in many aspects of masonry research and testing, and has broadened the scope of Lucideon on a wide range of construction materials.

Heavily involved with BSI on both Standards and Codes of Practice work, Geoff chairs the standards committee B/519 - 'Masonry and Associated Testing'. In CEN, he usually leads the UK delegation to TC125 Masonry and TC250/SC6 (Eurocode 6) and is proud of the fact that under his chairmanship of TC125 Working Group 4, forty seven test methods have been published as European wide standards, none of which failing a formal vote.

Through a dedicated career in construction, Geoff has been the author and presenter of numerous papers relating to masonry.

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