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Dr. David Pearmain

Expertise in: Materials for energy

Head of Flash Sintering

David has over 8 years' experience of technology development and commercialization of Flash Sintering (FS) technology, working alongside many different clients within a diverse range of industries that manufacture and use both technical and traditional ceramics.

David Pearmain

David has led the FS team at Lucideon since its infancy, and has experience in managing public-funded projects, both through InnovateUK and the Regional Growth Fund, and in overseeing academic collaborations and working directly with commercial clients.

Through technological discoveries within FS David has sought to target specific sector applications, striving for technology adoption within manufacturing in the shortest timescales possible. Prior to joining Lucideon, David worked on structural analysis of nano-materials during his PhD at the University of Birmingham, where he used aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy to characterize the structure of nanoparticles for catalytic application within the automotive industry.

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