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Pore Size Distribution by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry

Pore size distribution is critical for many aspects in a variety of material applications and industries.  Mercury intrusion porosimetry is the principle technique for determining incremental, cumulative and differential pore size distributions for mesopore and macropore ranges.

The technique also gives information on total pore area, pore area distributions, median pore diameter determinations, bulk density, apparent density and porosity.

  • Measurement of pore ranges from 0.01 to 100 micrometres
  • Results expressed both in tabulated and graphical form using incremental, cumulative, differential, log differential and area distribution data
  • Median pore diameter calculated with volume, area and 4V / A algorithms
  • Density and porosity determinations
  • Applicable to both powders and solids.

Typical Applications

Pore size distribution analysis finds applications in fields such as the study of the pore characteristics of teeth, medical implant materials, refractory products, particle and gas filtration, catalysts, absorbents and a wide variety of other applications.

Typical Industries Using Pore Size Distribution by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry

  • Medical Devices
  • Bone and Dental Studies
  • Materials
  • Filtration Products
  • Polymer Science
  • Geological Applications including Oil and Water
  • Healthcare
  • Ceramics and Refractories
  • Furnace and Kiln Design and Manufacture.

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  • Pore Size Distribution Analysis - At a Glance

    • Information: Pore size distributions for both diameter and area determinations using mercury intrusion porosimetry in the mesoporous and macroporous ranges
    • Sample Quantity: Depending on sample porosity and bulk density –at least 8 g is required either as a solid or powder
    • Data Output: Graphical & tabulated pore size distribution data from 0.01 microns to 100 microns pore diameter, median & average pore diameter determinations using volume, area & 4V/A algorithms, bulk & skeletal density determinations and porosity
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