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Ion Chromatography (IC Analysis)

Ion Chromatography (IC) is an analytical technique that separates ions and polar molecules based on their charge, and is closely related to high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

Each species interacts slightly differently with the stationary phase (a resin-filled column), and thus has a different retention time. Once separated, each species can then be quantified individually as it leaves the system.

  • Highly selective
  • Low limits of detection, with a wide analytical range
  • Analysis of halides, anions and elements not available by ICP or XRF
  • Analysis of molecular species rather than elements
  • Reproducible.

Typical Applications

  • Trace analysis of environmental soil and water samples
  • Total halides (F, Cl, Br) from pyrohydrolysis extraction
  • Trace analysis of any material that can be digested into an aqueous matrix
  • Drinking water analysis for contamination.

Typical Industries using Ion Chromatography

  • Environmental testing
  • Food and drinks
  • Materials
  • Minerals
  • Glass, ceramics and refractories
  • Healthcare.

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  • IC - At a Glance

    • Information: Quantified concentrations & identification of unknown compounds
    • Sample Size: 500ml for gases, 500ml for liquids and 10g for solids
    • Detection Limits: Approximately 5mg/kg for solids, 1ug/L for liquids and 1mg/m3
    • Data Output: Concentration values and chromatograms on enquiry
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