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You are here: Home » Testing & Characterization » Testing & Analysis Techniques » Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC)

Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC Analysis)

GPC (Gel Permeation Chromatography), also called Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), provides molecular weight data of polymers by separating analytes according to size.

A type of liquid chromatography, samples are typically dissolved in an organic solvent before filtering the solution and injecting it into a chromatography column.  A molecular weight sensitive detector then monitors the concentration by weight of polymer in the eluting solvent.

Gel Permeation Chromatography offers:

  • Identification of molecular weight distribution
  • Separation of different molecular weight polymers
  • Little chance of analyte loss occurring.

Typical Applications

  • Characterization of polymers (e.g. viscosity, strength)
  • Understanding of polymer performance
  • Analysis of polymer wearing and degradation
  • Development of new products (understanding how polymers behave)
  • QA / QC during polymer production.

Typical Industries using GPC:

  • Polymer manufacturers / processors
  • Medical device manufacturers who use polymers (e.g. in catheters)
  • Bone cement manufacturers
  • Consumer health
  • Packaging manufacturers.

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  • GPC - At a Glance

    • Equipment: Agilent 1260 Infinity
    • Information: Molecular size distribution
    • Sample Prerequisites: Soluble in appropriate solvent
    • Flow Rate of Sample: ~1.0ml min-1
    • Common Analytes: Polymers, proteins
    • Output: Separation by molecular size and refractive index of separations
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