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You are here: Home » Testing & Characterization » Testing & Analysis Techniques » Gas Chromatography (GC-FID/TCD/FPD)

Gas Chromatography (GC-FID/TCD/FPD Analysis)

Gas Chromatography (GC) provides a quantitative analysis of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds found in a variety of matrices (gases, liquids and solids) in foods, medical materials, plastics, environmental samples and occupational monitoring samples.

Flame-ionisation detectors (FID), Flame photometric detectors (FPD) and thermal conductivity detectors (TCD) are useful for determining the concentration of specific compounds.

  • Rapid, quantitative, cost effective and compound specific
  • Can be performed with minimal sample preparation or clean up
  • Quantification of bulk gases methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, N2, O2, Ethane, Propane, Acetylene, Ethylene and helium
  • Quantification of hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans, DMS and carbon disulphide
  • Characterization and quantification of oils and fuels and phthalates.

Typical Applications

  • Quantification of bulk gases in landfill gas and biogas
  • Quantification of sulphurous compounds in landfill gas and biogas
  • Determination of carbon monoxide for landfill underground fires
  • Determination of TPH content of wastes
  • Determination of phthalate content in children’s toys and packaging for medical devices.

Typical Industries using Gas Chromatography

  • Medical devices
  • Automotive
  • Materials
  • Waste water treatment plants
  • Landfill operators
  • Waste treatment plants
  • Manufacturers of children's toys.

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  • GC - At a Glance

    • Information: Quantified concentrations
    • Sample Size: 100ml for gases, 500ml for liquids and 10g for solids
    • Detection limits: between 100 - 0.0005% for gases (compound specific), 5 ppm for TPH and phthalates3
    • Data Output: Concentration values and chromatograms on enquiry
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