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Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis (FTIR)

Lucideon's laboratories feature a state-of-the art Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) system.

The system is available as part of our extensive analytical suite but also forms a critical part of our problem solving capability including SEM, D-SIMS, ToF-SIMS, XPS and 3DP. Our skilled knowledgeable staff are able to provide the technical backup required.

FTIR provides detailed information on the bond structures within compounds. FTIR depends upon the absorption of infrared radiation arising from the vibrational and rotational characteristics of dipolar chemical compounds. The arrangement and strength of chemical bonds within a molecule have a direct effect on the characteristic modes of vibration and vibrational bond frequencies of a molecule, resulting in the formation of a series of characteristic mid-infrared absorption bands (4000-400 cm-1) which can be used to characterise and quantify individual compounds.

To ensure that the highest quality of data is obtained several alternative FTIR sample presentation techniques including FTIR microscopy are available covering an extensive range of applications.

Typical Applications

  • Identification of solid or liquid organic and inorganic compounds
  • Multi-component mixture analysis of solids liquids and gels using spectral subtraction and data mining
  • Identification of polymers, polymer blends, rubbers and filled rubbers, adhesives, coatings, promoters and hardening agents
  • Confirmation of consistency of raw and finished manufacturing materials
  • Surface modification and sample weathering studies
  • Multi-component quantitative analysis of complex mixtures by Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis
  • Solvent extraction and identification of manufacturing impurities, metabolites and contaminants
  • Analysis of unknown solvents, cleaning agents and detergents
  • FTIR microscopy for examination of microstructures and manufacturing defects
  • Mapping the consistency of raw and finished products and investigation of product irregularities
  • Mapping coating thickness and cross sectional imaging of cut sections.

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  • FTIR - At a Glance

    • Information: Spectral information relating to identification of components, data mining
    • Samples: Liquids, solids, extracts and surfaces
    • Detection limits: 100 - 1.0 wt. %
    • Area Analysed: Bulk to ~10µm x 10µm
    • Data Output: Spectral data, comparison with search match libraries. Quantitative data
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