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You are here: Home » Testing & Characterization » Test methods » Respirable Crystalline Silica by XRD - Test Method - MDHS 101:2005

Respirable Crystalline Silica by XRD - Test Method - MDHS 101:2005


MDHS 101 (2005) Crystalline silica in respirable airborne dust.


The method defines the protocol to use for determination of crystalline silica (quartz and cristobalite) in airborne dusts using both FTIR (Fourier transform Infrared) and XRD (X-ray Diffraction). Only the XRD method is conducted at Lucideon which enables the silica species on a filter membrane to be fully characterised. Methodology involves developing a calibration curve using loadings of known material on filter membranes. Lucideon is able to measure the crystalline silica on the filter but do not conduct sampling programmes.

Applications and Benefits

Provide accredited measurement of crystalline silica on filters from respirable air monitors to enable verification of airborne crystalline silica for occupational hygiene. Crystalline silica has been linked to lung disorders including pneumosilicosis.

Form of Results

Results are provided in the form of weight loading in mg of quartz, cristobalite and total crystalline silica. It is possible to determine the non crystalline silica by thermally processing the filters.

Related Tests

Determination of respirable silica in solid materials
Determination of non crystalline silica on filter membranes
Trace element on filter membranes by ICP.

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